one-on-one coaching

Financial Independence

A mindset where you are confident to make informed choices on your financial earnings, investment and financial management, across all of life, increasing the impact of your financial ownership.

How to achieve Financial Independence 

Our unique and bespoke  Financial Independence Programme is a one-on-one coaching programme for professional women available at any stage, or situation you are in, where you have choice  to be more confident to impact your wealth positively instead of struggling to be in charge.

The one on one programme is supplemented by a group programme, The Success Formula, which embeds success from the changes you make.

The Financial Independence programme is delivered over three streams of your life as you can see below. Over time, the impact on wealth of being proactive and  in charge is significant.

what I can do for you

The Financial Independence programme helps you to make conscious choices to balance life with wealth through:

  • Best version of yourself: the foundation that helps you choose your best terms of life

  • Wealth impacting times — we help you proactively create and proactively manage your own expectations to be on track

  • Create more choices in life by being in balance with wealth and life

Through the Financial Independence programme, I coach you to take charge of situations and patterns in life that can affect your wealth significantly – through the below outcomes.

build the best
version of yourself for wealth by


Knowing what
is important
to you

being active
in relationship

wealth by



being on track
with a strategic
earnings cycle

Achieve a
Balance and
more meaning
in life by


through life

family and inter-generational
wealth arrangements